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our objectives
In keeping with the essential purposes of all polytechnics, the basic objectives of the great Benue State Polytechnic include:
1) To offer courses of study at Diploma and other levels of vocational, professional education and other branches of learning with the ultimate purpose of service delivery to the community.

2) To offer courses of study at sub – degree, diploma and other levels in Arts, languages, Sciences, Technology and other branches of learning with the ultimate purpose of service of the community.

3) To promote, through teaching, research and other means, the advancement of knowledge and its practical application to the needs of the community.

In pursuance of these noble objectives, the following, among others, are here assigned, by law, to the polytechnic:

a. Provision of rules and conditions for admission for a particular course of study.

b. Provision of courses of instructions in the academic, professional and technical subjects whether for students of the polytechnic or for others.

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