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our administration
The ultimate responsibility for the proper management of the polytechnic squarely rests on the shoulders of the Governing Council.

The Rector is the Chief Executive, indeed, the Chief academic and administrative officer of the institution. He is the Chairman of the Academic Board. Subject to the provision of the appropriate statutes, the Rector shall have power to suspend, for such a period as he may determine, stop any student or group of students from attending the Polytechnic for any cause which he considers adequate to warrant such actions. He shall, in consultation with the members of the Academic Boiardo, expel a student for misconduct.

The Academic Board for the Polytechnic has statutory responsibility for the management and direction of the academic work of the institution. It is made up of the Rector, his Deputy, the Registrar, who is also its Secretary, the Polytechnic Librarian, the Deans of the six schools, Dean of Students Affairs, the Dean of the Division of Continuing Education, all Heads of Academic Departments, four Academic staff members elected by the congregation, two Rector’s nominees, and a representative of the Senate of a university.

Most decisions, on matters affecting the polytechnic, are arrived at through dialogue, consultation and committee system.

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